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Incentive groups choose Victoria
January 22, 2020
Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB) has secured this week two new incentive groups arriving in February, with nine groups already confirmed to visit this quarter driving 1,265 visitors to regional Victoria as part of their itinerary.
MCB Chief Executive Julia Swanson said the arrival of these incentive groups is encouraging for the Victorian visitor economy following the unprecedented bushfire season across Australia.
“As a part of Visit Victoria, we are working as one team together with our industry partners, Business Events Victoria and Business Events Australia, to reassure our business event clients and delegates that most parts of Victoria are not affected by the bushfires.”
There are many regions within Victoria that remain unaffected and will continue to offer visitors incredible tourism experiences including Ballarat, Bendigo, the Great Ocean Road, Phillip Island, the Mornington Peninsula, Yarra Valley, Dandenong Ranges, the Grampians, Daylesford, Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula, the Murray region and West and South Gippsland, including Wilsons Promontory.
MCB’s priority is in supporting the industry to rebuild Victoria’s reputation as a safe and vibrant tourism destination. “We are continuing our efforts in the corporate, incentive and meetings space with its attractive short-lead time to support local tourism operators and stimulating local economies,” Ms. Swanson said.
“The best way to help is by visiting regional Victoria. International delegates spend an average of $1019.00 per day filling hotels, tourist attractions, local shops and cafes.”
For Victorian regional tourism suppliers and local businesses, business events provide a substantial economic contribution enhancing local communities.
The Melbourne Convention Bureau can assist with planning a tailored itinerary.
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Notes to editors:
MCB encourages corporate, meeting and incentive groups and business event delegates coming to Victoria to seek the most up to date information prior to departure from their accommodation and tourism providers. Please see Visit Victoria’s bushfire update for an overview as to what regions are impacted and not impacted; and also visit Victoria Emergency to understand in greater detail which areas are impacted and not impacted.Media enquiries:
Giselle Lloyd, Melbourne Convention Bureau
T +61 3 9002 2325 / +61 429 553 183
E [email protected]