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  • World Engineers Convention 2019 contribution goes beyond the economic benefits

    November 22, 2019

    The World Engineers Convention 2019 is well underway at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC). Hosted every four years, the 2019 edition is being held from 20-22 November, welcoming over 3,000 delegates from 75 countries for the opportunity to meet in one place and discuss how the engineering profession is evolving in a rapidly changing world.

    Hosted by Engineers Australia (EA) and the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), WEC 2019 program focuses on sustainable cities and climate change, innovation and disruption, and leadership and governance, while also addressing the need for a more diverse profession and the capabilities that are required for the engineers of our future.

    At the opening ceremony, UNESCO approved the launch of a ‘World Engineering Day’ to fall on March 4th every year and coincide with the founding of WFEO. This represents an important legacy and was announced by the WFEO President Marlene Kanga and supported by over 40 nations.

    Engineers and engineering will be celebrated each year, as well as the important contributions of the profession to sustainable development and modern life.

    It is this type of outcomes that business events enable. Benefits go well beyond the economic contributions, and this one is an example of how conferences serve as platforms for the implementation of impactful decisions.

    WEC 2019Image: The Melbourne Convention Bureau interviews Trish White, President of Engineers Australia

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