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  • Visit a quiet place to recharge your batteries

    May 26, 2019

    Are you looking for a quiet place to recharge your batteries during your Melbourne conference visit?

    Head to the new Reading Room at The District Docklands or The Nook at Fed Square to curl up with a good book. And best of all, no library cards required!

    The Reading Room

    A quiet space for people to sit back and read a book. Visitors will have the opportunity to borrow a book and kindly return it when finished, or simply leave another book in its place so everyone can continue to enjoy the space.

    To assist in keeping The Reading Room open, they are welcoming donations of books of all kind – fiction, non-fiction, picture books, kids’ books, cook books.

    The Reading Room is open, from 10am to 6pm, 7 days a week at Wharf Street, The District Docklands

    The Reading Room at District Docklands

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    The Nook

    Find yourself at home in Fed Square’s The Nook. Right in the heart of Melbourne, yet hidden from the rush of city life, and fashioned as a mid-century sitting room with comfortable retro chairs and a couch, the Nook’s design is in direct contrast with Fed Square’s contemporary architecture, giving it a unique character and creating a novel retreat within the Atrium.

    Activated on a regular basis by local groups who meet to share their love of knitting, embroidery, paper-craft and more, the Nook is a cosy corner in the heart of the city where friends converge and newcomers are always welcome.

    When not hosting one of the many groups who use the Nook, the space offers a free Little Library where people can read, take, or leave a book in the spirit of community sharing.

    The-Nook Fed Square

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