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Special offer for Travel & Tourism Research Association (TTRA) event at Grand Hyatt Melbourne
June 10, 2019
For the first time, Australia has been selected to host the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference.
Melbourne was chosen as the host city and Grand Hyatt Melbourne as the conference venue with support from the Melbourne Convention Bureau.
This is a big event for TTRA, not only as it's the first time the conference is being held in Australia, 2019 also marks the 50th year of the TTRA International Conference.
This conference brings together all travel and tourism researchers, users and vendors of research to discuss and share the latest studies and approaches.
Event date: 25-27 June 2019
TTRA 2019 program and details can be viewed here
Registration Special Offer
To celebrate this first-time Australian conference, TTRA have an "Introductory Locals Rate" for Australian and New Zealand non-member registrations.
Save a massive US$400 off the current prices for the whole conference and $50 off the day rate.
Take advantage of this offer and register as a non-member using this form. Use the code 2019ConfLocalFull which will bring the full three-day registration to US$899 or 2019ConfLocalOneDay for the Day Rate discount (reducing registration price to US$400).