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  • Scene Change AV, big enough to deliver and small enough to care

    December 07, 2019

    Scene Change is a national brand well known to event clients, with offices in Brisbane, Hunter Valley, Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart and Adelaide.

    Each looks after its own technical resources, transport, warehousing, technicians and sales staff. They share IP and a national resource of over $20M worth of equipment during peak demand periods. 

    Each trades as an independent business under the Scene Change brand. This structure is a vital part of our performance. Each local Director has personal equity in the business, and runs it as if they had 100% equity. This gives them a powerful incentive to win sales, do deals, and respond quickly. 

    If there is any issue that needs dealing with, an owner of the Scene Change business will be available immediately, without waiting for information to percolate through layers of management. 

    There is no other national audio-visual business that has this structure, and it delivers the responsiveness that the deadline-driven event industry requires. 

    Scene Change is big enough to deliver, and small enough to care.

    They are are big enough to cover any event with full-time Scene Change staff, who are trained to deliver the level of production quality our clients expect. 

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    Scene Change AV