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New website for Chinese business events in Australia
July 25, 2018
Tourism Australia has launched a redesigned version of its Chinese-language website for business events, to grow Australia’s international business events visitation.
Australia’s natural beauty is one of the key drivers of visitation from China and visitors to the new site will see more images and videos of Australia’s business events offering and destinations, event delivery, incentive programs, and testimonials from incentive planners. Users can also make contact with sources of inspiration and information on holding a business event in Australia.
Tourism Australia undertook comprehensive research with international business events planners in China to ensure the new site delivers relevant information in accessible and appealing ways.
Downloadable fact sheets and itineraries also feature on the site, as well as direct links to products and convention bureau, allowing easy access to event delivery contacts and more information sources.
Importantly, this Chinese-language site has been built to ensure the best user experience and integration with Chinese social media platforms.