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  • MCB stakeholder lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP

    August 13, 2019

    Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB) invited key stakeholders and partners to an exclusive lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP on the 9 August 2019.

    Held at the beautiful Isabella Fraser Room in the State Library of Victoria this event served as a unique platform for guests to connect with the Victorian Government and discuss the value of business events for Victoria.

    Julia Swanson, Acting CEO of MCB formally welcomed the guests including Visit Victoria’s CEO Peter Bingeman and MCB Chairman Chris Barlow.

    After the formal welcome guests had the opportunity to network over drinks and canapes, then enjoyed a seated two course meal and a dynamic round table discussion.

    MCB lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP - August 2019

    MCB lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP - August 2019

    MCB lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP - August 2019

    MCB lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP - August 2019

    MCB lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP - August 2019

    MCB lunch with The Hon. Martin Pakula MP - August 2019