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6 tips to attract a crowd to your next corporate event
April 25, 2019
There are many types of corporate events, from black tie parties to retreats, and product launches. If you want to create a sell-out event, a few basic principles apply, whether you are throwing a cocktail party or a corporate lunch.
Firstly, attracting a crowd comes down to marketing, which is inclusive of everything you do before selecting the food, drinks and service – like knowing your audience and growing your email list. Secondly, it has to create impact and appeal outside the square.
Check out these six tips to attract a crowd at your next corporate event.
1. Know your audience
Understanding your market’s pain points and what makes them tick before you even start event planning is what enables you to deliver relevant content, speakers and topics which resonate.2. Grow your email list
The current organic reach of a Facebook post is just 2%. Email in comparison is 90%. Focus on growing your email subscribers so they will see the event when it’s marketed, and not miss it in an algorithm. An email list lets you send personalised invitations to boost attendance.
3. Consider co-branding
A successful collaboration has synergy and creates something greater than the sum of its parts combined. So does a co-branded event, which can reach new markets through cross-promotion.4. Don’t compromise on certain things – like the venue space or location for retreats. A gloomy low-cost venue will impact attendance.
5. Create an irresistible sell
Package your event up strategically to create impact and don’t be cookie-cutter. Picture receiving an invitation to a product launch gala dinner in smashable chocolate. Apart from being surprising and Instagrammable, it’s edible and shows what’s to come. If it’s a networking event or a team building event, what value can you add through speakers and event spaces? Showing people why they shouldn’t miss out is key to attracting a crowd.6. Take your events wider
If your market covers a wider geographical area, consider making your events more formulaic and putting them in more locations.Looking to throw a unique corporate event? Solution Entertainment tailor beautiful events to every client – from large-scale corporate parties down to customised team building activities.
Content by Solution Entertainment