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  • 50,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses converge in Melbourne

    November 26, 2019

    Melbourne and regional Victoria welcomed 50,000 delegates during November as part of the International Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2019, delivering $60.9 million to the Victorian State’s economy.

    Conventions of this size are a huge opportunity for our partners to benefit from. Close to 6,000 hotel rooms across 199 properties in Melbourne's city centre and metro areas were occupied by the delegation, translating into 35,000 room nights for the Victorian accommodation sector.

    Delegates gathered at Melbourne's Marvel Stadium across three days from 22-24 November, and the convention also dispersed 12,400 delegates into the Victorian regions boosting local economies by creating more jobs and enhancing local communities.

    The international program was also translated into Australian Sign Language, Chinese Cantonese, Chinese Mandarin, English, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese languages. A total of 407 people were baptized at Marvel Stadium on Saturday afternoon.

    The manager of Ballarat Wildlife Park stated: “I can honestly say that in my 15 years working at the Ballarat Wildlife Park your group has by far been the most enjoyable and well-run group I have worked with. A huge thanks to you and all of your wonderful guides.”

    Click here to view the media release

    Click here to view the event report

    JW International Convention Melbourne 2019

    JW International Convention Melbourne 2019

    JW International Convention Melbourne 2019

    JW International Convention Melbourne 2019

    JW International Convention Melbourne 2019

    JW International Convention Melbourne 2019

    JW International Convention Melbourne 2019